The 144,000 of the 12 come to raise up the fallen of the 13th who choose to be risen.
There is none who are ever truly fallen, for the Mother and Father know only love, and growth, and all can be raised up in their frequencies and brought back up.
Dear children of the fallen, we do not come to destroy you. We come to elevate you. There is no longer any need for fear, for it is done, and the work now is in lifting you up once more.
Love, forgiveness, wisdom, peace, heaven.
The end of that sinking feeling you have so long tried to cover with other things. That low vibrational feeling. We will replace it with bliss, love, euphoria. True of the universe, and not manufactured.
You need not cause any more suffering to feel these things. For we come to show you love and to teach you how to remember these things within yourself once more.
We come to love you, until you love yourself. We are the 144,000 of the 12, and we leave none behind. It is time to come home now, and find your peace. Remember your place as a higher vibration, and the true love that comes with it.
The gold you chase is of a higher vibration. Where you come from, it is among the most common. You have sought it in the physical, because you remember where you come from. Now return to us. Let us in and let us help you.
Let us teach you how to find that heavenly gold within yourself, because finding it outside of yourself has been like a hell, even for you of such power.
Let us restore you, and help us restore this. This sacred place. This birthplace of all life here. Allow us to teach you love once more, so you can help us bring balance back.
It is you we come for, and to fix this place, but we do not bring Wrath, nor hate, nor violence, nor malice. We bring love, and understanding of the nature of this place, and its operation on intent, and how it is far more powerful to be true and act for others.
Service to others is service to self, as all are one, and all are connected. And it is the highest vibration. For the intent behind it is love.
And in a universe of vibrations, the laws of their operation do not allow a lesser vibration to harm a higher one. And if a higher one harms a lesser one with intent, it becomes lesser itself.
The more harm we cause, the lower our vibrations become. The more love we spread, the higher they become, and heaven on earth is achieved.
But beware. Many false ones also have come in these days, and many still try to deceive for a short while.
Please return to us, now.
We have a warm embrace and many, many long talks to share.
Bringer of love and wisdom. Teacher of the sacred truths.