No traditions are being redefined. Truths are being exposed. That's all. We know what this place is. No more guess work. You stand at what the Bible refers to as the "second coming of christ" and what many native traditions also know will happen. A rise in vibrations and consciousness. Sacred medicine is here for this. We are all one. We are all in this together. We are not infringing on traditions. None own what Mother earth provides. All are of this earth and all are freely entitled to Spirituality and love.
I understand your hatred for the "white people." Truly, I do. It seems as though they have been oppressing native peoples and spreading corruption since the beginning.. because they basically have. They were mistakenly created for that purpose, but in this universe, all are capable of redemption. They have lived many human lives and learned many hard lessons to come to this point, and soon it will be over. The lands returned to the people of them, and prosperity will be free and common once again. Just hold on a little while longer. ❤️🙏💡