I have owned many mistakes in this post if you read my words. I literally said white people are the reason for the corruption and "evil." How is that not owning up to it?
The difference is, I traced the story all the way back to find the origins of the corruption, and I found myself. I'm straight up saying we were wicked, but we have learned and now we are educating the others.
Further, my heritage is a mixture of many, but on paper according to the meaningless government of Canada, I am Metis of the original red river settlement.
My ancestry includes the likes of Sitting bull, who spoke for crazy horse and attempted to bridge the gaps.
Today, I attempt to do the same. To bridge the gaps and unite the people. To end the corruption of this place and help restore balance. That is my only quest, and trust me, there is no profit in sight for me.
I apologize, but the sacred herbs and medicines that were given to us all by mother earth herself will need to be a part of this process. They are gifts to assist in enlightenment, and this is why white man has attempted to banish and demonize them, in favor of his creation, alcohol. "Spririts" that when you drink, LOWER your vibrations. When you drink enough of them, your vibrations become so low, that lower vibrational entities that can't manifest physically are able to take you for a ride. The church calls it possession.. by "spirits" some call it a "blackout" because that's what it is. Your higher self is forced out of the physical.
These poisons will have to go, or become limited if we are to raise vibrations here. They will become replaced by the true gifts of nature, and the industry and distribution of these things will be handled by the natives who have cared for and protected them for so long.
Many things are going to change in 2025. Among those things will be a power shift. Power will be taken and given up by the invaders and the law of the land will be decided by the peoples who belong here.
If you'd like to hate me, please do. Send me all of your low vibrations and let me raise them for you. I'll convert them into love and hope, and return them. 💡❤️
Please, just hold on a little while longer. The reward for the stewards of this place who have never stopped caring for the earth and the people will be greater than any can imagine.