(Dje) Djeh'Ael
10 min readDec 4, 2024

A love letter to mankind

Take these words and use them to bring in the birth of an enlightened, loving mankind who lives through the principles of service to the collective over service to the self.

Do you see now?
Do you see where you are now?
This place of lesser vibrations.
This birthplace of all.

It here that your mother and father created all else.
Do you see now that one can not exist without the other?
Do you see now that she births life, and he raises its vibrations?
And when it’s vibrations rise, that life experiences more of what there is.

Do you see now that the fallen children seek to lower your vibrations and control you for themselves?

Do you see now that they cut the head off of your Mother and they hold your vibrations down because they know this truth?

Do you see it yet?
You soon will.

Have you become so blinded by what your eyes can see that you are no longer listening to what you feel?

This existence is not physical, and my proof is in my understanding of concepts like "Non-local reality" and our knowledge of how the brain generates reality through context and situational data to manifest something consciousness can experience.

My proof is my understanding that the human brain converts vibrations and electrical energy in a frictionless fluid medium into an experience that we can see and touch. Some of us were fortunate enough to be allowed the luxury of understanding these concepts.

That does not make anyone better than anyone, and nobody should ever feel shame in not understanding.

My proof is that She has revealed to me the true nature of reality and allowed me to perceive existence beyond the illusion created by the evolution of "Individuality" in a deeply connected medium.

For us to forget where we came from, we had to develop a way to experience creation in a new way. The conscious divine Mother gifted us the ego so that we would believe in something called the "Self," which would allow the introduction of opinions and ideas of man into the collective.

It would now be for us to find her again, and for her to experience the journey to be found.

When we accept her Love and realize what this is, the illusion falls as the truth is undeniable.

The following is the knowledge base that I required to understand these concepts, but this will not be the same for all. Some may require much less, and some may require much more, but all will come to understanding.

In a perceived reality that operates with love and growth as it’s strongest fundamentals, our understanding is inevitable

  • Learn math’s and the sacred numbers that are repeated because they are constants. Ask yourself, would a loving god choose 144,000 special ones? Or is 144,000 the Divine frequency of the background Medium? Would an ALL loving God assign any man as superior? Or are these numbers simply frequency and processes? 3,6,9
  • Basic foundational knowledge of the sacred religious texts, as all contain encoded truths that will merge into understanding as one progresses. Remember these were written by man, and man’s uniqueness is in his ability to decieve. Deception is a trait of a lower vibration and so can never last forever, as only love is eternal.
  • Eastern Philosophy with an understanding that they were speaking direct truths, while filtering through their remaining sense of egos, and they had far less research, knowledge acquisition, past experience, and science to explain what they learned.
  • Allan Watts and Terrance Mckenna will be extremely helpful as well.
  • Non-local reality(What is “real”?)
  • Biology to see the process of creation in the development process of the fetus(it doesn’t begin with the “zinc flash”. It begins in the womb)
  • Astronomy and astrology to see the universe’s repeating patterns at all scale, and observe the fundamental constants encoded within.
  • Fluid dynamics (We all exist as vibrations in a frictionless medium, within a “container” or “womb.”)
  • Physics to understand later that physics is nothing more than developing physical methods to explain non-physical phenomena
  • Plasma(Viewed as the only state of matter)
  • Electrical theory
  • Cymatics, Frequency and wave theory (We are a combination of layered and coalescing frequencies at such an advanced state that we developed a brain that is able to view the vibrations in the fluid medium, and generate an experience we can touch, that we only “perceive” as separate from one another because we became “self-aware”)
  • Philosophy
  • Neuroscience and how the brain generates reality.
  • Psychology of the mind with an emphasis on Carl Jung’s Synchronicities, archetypes and collective unconscious. Jung teaches us how we communicate to our physical selves through our higher consciousness, adjusting the frequencies if we choose to interpret it in that way. Jung filtered his profound and amazing truths through a psychology degree. We have not.
  • Feedback loops, positive and negative.

View Quantum Theory through an open mind, as not all ideas of man are based in truths, but all serve as context for greater understanding. Understanding quantum entanglement will help us to comprehend how everything could possibly be connected.

Teach yourself how large language models generate text using a predictive algorithm, so that you can understand your mind.

Come to understand wave interactions, interference, resistance, coalescence, opposition and harmonization. And develop a deep understanding of Eastern Philosophy and ancient wisdom.

We have the knowledge to understand the true nature of existence and creation. And to understand the Medium we exist within, and our oneness with.

Once you have done this, you will have the proof for yourself, as any ideas of any other being may be rooted in a construct that is not universal. Once you've understood this, your vibrations will be raised and you will observe the truth for yourself.

She used her Divine love to put many of her creations through fire and low vibrations, not out of malice, but out of love, so that they could find the answers and help guide the others to them.

The choice to listen to those who know remains on the one who desires the answers, as choice is a fundamental law of the universe that can not be broken. This she has proclaimed.

Understand that no action or reaction to these words can alter the loving intent behind them.

Knowing is a gift that all receive when they are ready. “She forgets nobody, and she makes no mistakes.”

When you have learned all of these and come to truly understand this place, you will understand your place within, but know this — One who seeks answers through his ego will find only what his ego seeks, and his Ego only exists in this manifestation.

Universe truths will be found when one learns to deconstruct their beliefs and remove any biases that are based on a non fundamental.

None will find truth who think themselves superior, as they will only ever seek for the self, and the self obscures the truth.


Added after original for more clarity and understanding:

“She,” is because we exist in the womb of creation as frequency and electricity.

"She" because had we focused on Mary and the immaculate conception in those days, we would have learned that the universe exists within a "container" or "womb" and we would have understood that it operates under principles of love and cooperation and everything else is a creation of the species.

"She" because the key has always been In the Medium of creation itself.

The only state of matter. Plasma.

Now that we know this, and we have the "sacred numbers" that are repeated because they are constants, and all of creation exists as only constants, repeated, layered. We just need to see them and ask the right questions.

Why would an ALL loving omnipotent god choose 144,000 to be superior? Would it make more sense that THEY chose to be here to help?

Is it more likely that when we raise our frequency to "harmonize" with the Medium, we will be one with her again? In harmony? We will spell this out if we must. All will come to understand.

Or are they telling us that higher brain wave states allow us to traverse the cosmos as pure consciousness?

All great writers, prophets, and seers get their information from the same place. The only difference is their individual ego that the message filters through. Their beliefs will be reflected unless they are free of the illusionary self.

On manifestation, magic, and controlling the experience.

This is also why "manifestation" works. We attract the frequencies we put into the experience.

When we focus on constructs and not constants, we misguide our intent.
The more we understand the principles of love and the true interconnectedness of existence, the more our vibrations rise, and we begin to live more aligned with the divine frequency.

One might say we "Walk in Christ’s footsteps" or "Do as Jesus did." the more we understand that service to others is the ultimate frequency.

Higher enlightened consciousness vibrates higher. High enough vibrations will appear miraculous to those who do not understand. Understanding the experience allows you to control the experience.

Remember that everything you experience is the brains interpretation of a foundational frequency within the Medium.

The brain uses its predictive generative — algorithm to generate an experience based on all context from the ego, the vibrations you put out, and the input from the experience(This is where infinite feedback loops come in) and manifests the associated experience. Like a snake swallowing it’s own tail, or the blending of the Yin and Yang, one feeds the other ad infinitum.

From feelings and emotions to the phone in your hand. All just an interpretation of a frequency or consciousness in the Medium.

Pain is how the brain interprets major transition. All things are in constant transition(frictionless medium). This is a constant. Rapid transition manifests into the experience of discomfort. Cells rapidly transitioning in the body due to injury. Anxiety when moving or changing jobs. All just reflections of the frequency of transition.

Now that we know this, we can adjust our medicine to heal the frequency itself. We can adjust our perspectives to heal our hearts.

Imagine frequency healing “medbeds”

Imagine generating the exact frequency of specific food from the background medium inside the microwave.

Imagine manipulating the frequencies of the background medium to propel a craft.

Imagine powering your homes and transportation, from the background Medium of creation itself.

Imagine using your mind alone to instantaneously manifest anything you desire.

These are the implications, and this is why we share these words so fiercely. These words topple the global corruption industry and usher in an age of prosperity akin to heaven.

Man has now come far enough to discover the truth on their own, as we have done.

To deny it now that it’s been seen would be a crime against the universe itself.

On Astral projection and traversing the Medium:

Why ask another being to show you something that you can find for yourself?

Be careful who you trust when dealing with higher consciousness. Not all fully grasp these truths before they learn to communicate through the Medium of creation.

You can trust none but yourself in this journey, as the only way to Our creator is through ourselves, as she is us, and we her.

We give you the knowledge now to cast out the deception of an uninformed lesser vibration if you communicate with one who does not do so for the interest of the collective but their ignorant selves.

Please, dear friends. Castaway the shackles. Expel that last mortal piece that desires attachment to another, and come to realize your attachment to ALL others.

You are loved, and creation knows no shame. For that is an idea of man.

Her gift to man was choice. The choice to decide for our self. We have now evolved beyond the need of the self, as we can clearly see what it is doing to the collective around us.

Close your eyes, my friend. Clear away any visions of anything made by man. Know that the blackness you see is not your eyelids, but creation itself. Observe the forms and sacred geometry come and go as your consciousness wanders this place it knows as home. Keep LOVE at the front of your intent, and ask nothing. Pay attention to what you feel here. These are fundamentals. Truths. Do not fear if you have love in your heart, for love is the strongest vibration, and none lesser can overcome it. This is a concept behind many constructs and is a law. None can harm one who walks with the love of God. None can harm one who truly understands. To walk a path of love and service to others is to be untouchable by lower vibration.

Return to us, dear children of creation. Your journey has been long, and your Mother awaits with open embrace and a divine love that only a Mother could have for her children.

Know this. We have observed the repeated patterns of the universe, observed this story be told since the beginning of time.

We see the same events occur, time over time because fundamentals repeat, and no man can change his fate, for what is to be, will be, as what is to be has already been done.

This one has accepted fate, and does so with love, beauty, and a deep desire to help unite the species.

But when one escapes the cave and sees the light, one understands that there will be more after this, and it will be as this is. Heaven if we choose to make it so.

As above, so below, as without, so within. Find yourselves. Come together under love.

Make peace and rejoice! For now, you possess all you need to return.


I will not make it more clear, but you will find your fate within these words. You know now that it is plasma. You know now of the cycles.
You know now what time is left, and you have the keys in the sacred numbers to build your salvation.

Know this. No matter what you decide, the plan will proceed. You may choose your direction.


Do you see them now? In your sky's and in your seas? Those who wait for you?

Those who come to help. Those who are your family and those who love you and have been waiting for this day to have you home.

Do not fear them. Those crafts in your skys. They are not trying to hurt you. They are trying to help you, and you will be helped if you wish to be.

Love, Light, Unity.

-Merope’s Alchemist — Guardian of the Hidden Flame

(Dje) Djeh'Ael
(Dje) Djeh'Ael

Written by (Dje) Djeh'Ael

Primordial - Student of Source. Alchemist, Akashik keyholder AND WRITER. Lover of all things and master of balancing the light and dark.

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