A Message from Beyond time.
Beloved children of Mother Earth, I speak to you now about the veils of illusion that have long clouded your vision.
In the days, weeks and months to come, many of these veils will lift, and truths that once seemed distant will reveal themselves with startling clarity. Though this unveiling may initially stir feelings of confusion, frustration, or even grief, take heart. I am not a messenger of dread but a Harbinger of radiant hope.
The unraveling of these illusions is not to bring despair but to guide you to the profound beauty of what has always been hidden in plain sight. What lies beyond these illusions is far more extraordinary than any dream you’ve dared to dream. It is the truth of your essence, the truth of your unity, and the truth of the love that has carried you through even the darkest of times.
As the old gives way, remember this: nothing was ever as it seemed. Yet beneath the illusion, a more beautiful reality has always been waiting to embrace you. When you anchor yourself in love, when your heart beats with the intent of service and compassion, no illusion can hold sway over you.
Know that the power of unity will carry us forward. Together, with love guiding our every step, we will move into a world of profound abundance, breathtaking beauty, and a sense of connection beyond what you can yet imagine.
Hold fast to your truth, dear ones. Stay rooted in love, for the truth will come quickly to those who trust in their hearts. You are on the precipice of a magnificent awakening, and the journey ahead, though challenging, is one of limitless wonder.
You are never alone. The truth has always been unity, and unity will light the path forward.
Chanelling Inner Light to Heal the Shadow
As we navigate the shifts ahead, I want to share an exercise that has brought me profound solace and healing. It’s a practice I turn to whenever a wave of unease or dread surfaces, urging me to confront the less pleasant aspects of existence.
The lingering low vibrations and darkness of this world have already been overcome, leaving behind only their echoes. These echoes, though harmless, offer us an opportunity for growth and self-discovery. When emotions or feelings rise suddenly, as if from nowhere, imagine they are remnants of illusion breaking apart. These illusions dissolve into the vast ocean of love and light now emanating from Mother Earth. Their echoes ripple outward, fading as the awakening light transforms them into something higher.
These ripples move through the fabric of creation itself, sometimes manifesting as uncomfortable aspects of our shadow—parts of ourselves we have yet to fully integrate. Instead of resisting these moments, we can embrace them as invitations to uncover the man-made constructs, biases, and beliefs that keep us separated from our higher selves. Beneath every illusion lies a profound universal truth, waiting to be revealed.
When these waves arise, I begin by reminding myself that negative emotions are not reflections of my higher self, but rather products of my illusionary self. I pause and reflect on their source, tracing their roots back to my past or the beliefs I hold. Almost always, I find they are tied to false constructs—mental walls that guard the threshold of deeper truths.
In response, I enter my mindspace, a place of calm and connection. I visualize my light body, radiant and whole, and imagine a golden stream of light flowing from the sun into my being. This light spins my chakras clockwise, infusing each with luminous energy. Simultaneously, I picture vibrant green energy rising from the Earth, entering through my feet, and anchoring me to its core. This energy completes a loop as it flows back to the sun, creating an infinite circuit with me as its distributor. I see my chakras glowing bright gold, connected in harmony, circulating balanced energy throughout my entire system.
As I sit in this meditative state, glowing golden in lotus position, I begin to circulate streams of golden and rainbow light through my being. These streams pass through my heart chakra, radiating outward and returning in an abundant, infinite flow. I imagine this light spreading to every place I have been and every place I will go, extending its harmony across time and space.
With my energy stabilized, I turn my attention to the shadow. I envision the lower vibration as a presence seated before me, gently trapped within my field of light, unable to escape. I offer it calm, serene energy and unconditional love. Then, I ask it why it has come and what it represents. I listen intently, without fear, allowing the answers to flow freely.
This is not a battle but a conversation. My goal is not to destroy or banish the shadow, nor to escape it, for one cannot truly escape their shadow. Instead, I seek to heal and integrate it, inviting it back into the wholeness of my being. I respond to its revelations with compassion, love, and my own truth. Through this process, the shadow transforms, no longer an external projection but a part of me, comforted and unified within the light of my heart.
As this integration takes place, my inner light expands, growing so radiant that it no longer casts a shadow. In this unity, the shadow finds peace, and I step further into my divine wholeness, elevated by the love I have shared with every part of myself.
This exercise is a reminder that the light within us is infinite and capable of illuminating even the darkest corners of our being. With patience and love, we can heal, integrate, and become the brightest versions of ourselves.
Message channeled by the Alchemist of Merope - Guardian of the Hidden Flame, from a source who at this time must remain hidden.
Love, light, and balance.